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  • 5-The Research Carried Out by The University of Torino

    In September of 2021 and of 2022, after 10 years of inactivity in the area, the Department of Historical Studies reopened archeological investigations on Monti Li Santi. These were carried out in collaboration with the MAVNA with the support of the Comune of Mazzano Romano. Fundamental to this research was the contribution offered by the…

  • 2-First results: Monte Li Santi in the Archaic Age

    Between the 6th and 5th centuries B.C. the inhabited area of Monte Li Santi appears to be organized like a “quarter” of a (heavily) populated and spread out city. The recent research of 2021 and 2022 uncovered numerous structures in blocks of precisely cut tuff rock, some of which are quite massive. Their function, which…

  • 6-First results: Narce and Rome

    Between the 3rd and 2nd centuries B.C. Narce went through a slow decline. This is demonstrated by the few tombs dated in that period and by the definite abbandonment of the Sanctuary le Rote at the beginning of the 1st century B.C. Also the results of the excavations in the habitat of Monte li Santi…

  • 4-First results: Narce, a city

    Between the 8th and 7th centuries BC., complex social, political and economic dynamics resulted in a new way of living together. In fact, according to the identifiable latin source FESCENNIUM, Narce began developing into an important urban center of the Agro Falisco. It had access to the Tiber River (Tevere) which was a fundamental via…

  • 3-First results: Narce in the Bronze Age

    The research done by the University di Torino showed that as early as the Bronze Age the area of Monte li Santi was inhabited by a small group of people. Between 1400 and 1000 B.C. it is believed that groups of humans lived in northern Lazio. They were organized in small nuclear habitations, united in…

  • 1-Narce: a long story

    The history of the excavations in the territory of Narce is long. Already in the final years of the 1800’s the first excavations were being carried out in the numerous necropolis that surrounded the settlement. The funerary objects discovered were exihibited and became the nucleus of the Museo Etrusco di Villa Giulia in Rome. In…

  • “Vi racconto una storia” – mostra prorogata fino al 31 agosto 2023

    La necropoli del Cavone di Monte Li Santi con le sue tombe a camera è una delle più importanti dell’antica Narce. Dopo gli scavi ottocenteschi solo nel 2015 la necropoli ha visto una ripresa delle indagini in un settore adiacente a quello già noto, grazie agli interventi per la valorizzazione del territorio, promossi dal Parco…

  • Le Giornate Europee dell’Archeologia al MAVNA

    16, 17 e 18 giugno 2023 Tra il 16 e il 18 giugno 2023 si svolgono, come di consueto, le Giornate Europee dell’Archeologia, promosse dall’Inrap, l’Istituto nazionale di ricerca archeologica preventiva della Francia (Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives) e organizzate in Italia dal Ministero della Cultura – Direzione Generale Musei e Direzione Generale Archeologia,…

  • Una finestra sul futuro, strumenti per l’Archeologia che si racconta

    Il 5 maggio 2023 alle ore 17, nella sede della Biblioteca Comunale di Mazzano Romano, si terrà un evento organizzato dal MAVNA e aperto a tutta la cittadinanza. Sarà presentato il nuovo sito del Museo Civico Archeologico Virtuale di Narce, realizzato grazie al finanziamento ricevuto dal MIC nell’ambito del progetto Educazione ed Innovazione fuori e dentro al Museo. In una veste…


    Ciclo di incontri, visite guidate e mostre L’insediamento di Monte Li Santi, una giornata “dentro e fuori” l’abitato 20 maggio 2023 Narce, Monte Li Santi, Pizzo Piede: delle tre alture che costituivano in antico i principali nuclei dell’antico centro falisco di Narce, quella di Monte Li Santi offre attualmente al visitatore del Museo Civico Archeologico Virtuale di…